Meet our new CEO
March 11 2024

It is now more than 25 years since the Charlie Waller Trust was formed and it is no exaggeration to say that the services the Trust provides are needed now more than ever.
Report after report from concerned mental health and children’s agencies underline the urgency of the situation, with some suggesting the mental health crisis within the UK has reached epidemic proportions.
So, it’s a challenging time for Dr Hannah Vickery, the new chief executive of the Trust, to step into the role.

Challenges as opportunities
Hannah, however, sees challenges as opportunities and believes that now mental health is nearing the top of the political and cultural agenda, which it certainly wasn’t when the Trust was launched in 1997, there are more potential opportunities to make a difference and to support successful mental health initiatives.
As an Associate Professor of Clinical Psychology, with her area of specialism being child and adolescent mental health, Hannah brings her relevant clinical experience to inform her strategic approach.

For the past ten years, Hannah has been working at the Charlie Waller Institute, University of Reading. For much of this time she has been steering the department through a significant period of growth as their Head of Section and Director of Training. This experience has led, amongst other things, to an intimate knowledge of CWT and a commitment to keeping Charlie’s story at the heart of our purpose.
Addressing mental health inequities
Although it is very early days, Hannah already has a clear vision for the Trust for the next five years. She explained: “Success, of course looks different to different people but for me, success will include widening the demographic reach of the Trust to better address the significant mental health inequities across our systems.
"We will look to invest in more collaborations that best support those children, young people and families who often face additional barriers to accessing evidence-based mental health guidance and treatment. For example, our black and brown communities, families of different faiths, and parents/carers of gender- and relationship-diverse children and young people.
The proactive inclusion of marginalised communities will enable us to listen, to work alongside, and ultimately to support provision in ways that can equitably, and therefore most meaningfully, impact on all.
The work ahead
"The proactive inclusion of marginalised communities will enable us to listen, to work alongside, and ultimately to support provision in ways that can equitably, and therefore most meaningfully, impact on all."
Alongside Hannah's ambitions for the Trust comes a realistic view of the issues facing the charity sector. She said:
“Whilst I am incredibly excited for the future and working with such amazing staff, trustees and supporters, I am also a realist and I do not underestimate the work ahead. The charity sector is facing the challenges of increased cost of living, post-pandemic demand, diversifying revenue streams, and issues with staff recruitment and retention. I appreciate the seriousness of these factors and with the team’s support I am confident we will navigate them and come through stronger than ever.”
The charity now impacts on far more children and young people across the county than ever before.
Impressive growth
Hannah is very keen to pay tribute to Clare Stafford, who stepped down as chief executive after 10 very busy and successful years:
“What an act to follow! The scale of growth that Clare has led over the past decade speaks volumes. Through Clare’s compassionate, innovative and collaborative leadership, the charity now impacts on far more children and young people across the country than ever before."
"I’d like to take this opportunity to thank Clare for all that she has done for CWT and to wish her the absolute best in her next ventures.”
I'm sure all our supporters will want to wish Hannah all the best too, as she leads the Trust into the second quarter of the 21st century.
Upcoming event

Join us for the Bath Half Marathon to support young people and their mental health!

The Charlie Waller Trust
The Charlie Waller Trust is a registered charity in England and Wales 1109984. A company limited by guarantee. Registered company in England and Wales 5447902. Registered address: The Charlie Waller Trust, First Floor, 23 Kingfisher Court, Newbury, Berkshire, RG14 5SJ.
Copyright © 2025 The Charlie Waller Trust. All rights reserved.