How will we stay mentally well in 2022?

January 10 2022

White curve
Our CEO Clare Stafford looks back on the things that have made our work at the Charlie Waller Trust thrive over the past year and reflects on a new way of thinking for 2022.

As we enter 2022 I’ve been reflecting on mental health, connection, gratitude and the most valuable part of the Charlie Waller Trust, our people.

For me, this goes way beyond ‘hire good people and your organisation will do well.’

It’s about constantly evolving to be a place that where people want to work, investing in people’s development and wellbeing and creating a healthy, enjoyable workplace culture for employees and freelancers alike.

A mug of tea printed with the words 'Depression - Fancy a chat'

A mug of tea printed with the words 'Depression - Fancy a chat'

Helping people thrive and grow

At CWT we offer opportunities for people to learn, develop and grow. We aspire to play our part in creating an inclusive third sector. For example, we offer employed and freelance roles to people with lived experience of mental ill-health and provide training in racism and mental health to the whole team as well as to beneficiaries.

I hope that everyone at Charlie Waller feels engaged with our purpose, our culture and our passion for improving mental health and wellbeing. Of course I am aware of things that need improving and it is crucial to be open to challenge, to review and to respond. Change is a given; how we react to it is the grit and grist of what makes an organisation work well (or otherwise!).

What I'm grateful for at work!

I read something before Christmas that I felt was very relevant to this. Apparently, practicing gratitude at work has been proven to make us more effective managers, improve decision-making, help us find meaning at work, reduce staff turnover and improve work-related stress and mental health issues.

I’m grateful for what I have, and what we all have, achieved at Charlie Waller, but I’m going to try and get into the habit of talking about it more and making sure I express this to others. I think we could all benefit from naming three things we are grateful for on a regular basis (Martin Seligman and the positive psychology approach suggests that if we write down ‘three good things’ in our lives each day it can raise our wellbeing in a fairly short space of time).

So, here are three things I am grateful for as CEO of Charlie Waller: 

1. Working in a sector that I believe in and that is full of passionate, talented and interesting people. 

2. Working with colleagues who are incredibly committed to playing their part in improving mental health and wellbeing. 

3. Being able to share a joke at work and both giving and receiving support when times are tough.

Charlie Waller Trust trainer Dick Moore speaking

Charlie Waller Trust trainer Dick Moore speaking

If you decide to give this a go too, I hope you find three things to be grateful for as easily as I did.

I’m optimistic about 2022. I feel we are in a great position to improve and grow as a charity, and to play our part in meeting the huge mental health need in the UK.

Clare Stafford
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