Our partnership with BMW Group Academy

White curve

About our work

Partnership outline 

Aims and Objectives 

List of materials 

Insert quotes from apprentices and Gill


Resources intro 

Your Wellbeing MOT

To keep ourselves running smoothly it is important to do these simple checks regularly. 

This resource is based on something called ‘Wellness Recovery Action Planning’ or a ‘WRAP’. This tool can be used to stay well ot to support with recovery if needed and it’s designed to help you promote your wellbeing, regardless of whether you’ve experienced mental health issues or not.


Your Wellbeing MOT printable PDF                


Your Wellbeing MOT interactive PDF      


Managing stress and anxiety

Tips and tools for apprentices coming up to assessments

This handout offers advice and tips on how to manage your time and stress levels ahead of assessments, and strategies to help you keep yourself well.


Tips for apprentices coming up to assessments 



What's under the bonnet?

We all know that a car can look really good on the outside but that doesn’t mean that all is well. Or it can be a bit old and in need of a fix up or service and work absolutely fine.
It can be the same with people. We often put on a brave face and pretend everything’s OK when really there’s lots going on beneath the surface that isn’t working or is about to go wrong.


Apprentice's guide to low mood and depression



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Queens Voluntary Service Award