Five ways to wellbeing

Wellbeing is the theme for this podcast, with Charlie Waller trainers Julie Turner and Debbie Spens. During their lighthearted catch-up, they explore Julie’s own twist on the NHS Five Ways to Wellbeing which she calls ‘CALMinG’:
C – Connection
A – Active
L – Learning
Min – Mindful
G – Giving
Strategies for the five ways to wellbeing (1:14)
We often talk about the five ways to wellbeing, which you can make into the acronym ‘CALMinG’. Calling it that does what it says, and can really help with feeling positive about things. It’s easy to remember, especially when we’re feeling flustered or exhausted, just remember the acronym and to keep calm.
Connecting (2:19)
C is about connecting – we all need to connect, we’re sociable people. Those connections can be very supportive and can help us to feel more positive.
Being active (4:06)
A is being active, which helps us to feel a lot better, especially if we’re also outside. You don’t have to walk six miles a day but it’s about getting some physical exercise. Finding a way to weave it into your day – and it needs to be every day - will definitely help with your mental health and wellbeing. You often get the bonus of meeting people along the way, for example if you’re walking your dog, so you get the connection with other people too.
Learning (7:59)
L is for learning – it can be fun too! For example, Debs and Julie have learnt how to record a podcast and have had some fun along the way. Learn something new and if you can, do it every day – it doesn’t have to be big things, it could just be a new recipe, learning a new fact when listening to the radio or learning (or re-learning) to play an instrument.
Being mindful (11:03)
M is about being mindful. The NHS have changed it to ‘take notice’ but really, they’re the same thing – stopping and thinking about things, giving yourself a bit of space. That could be stopping when you’re on a walk and taking photos, which you could then put on social media as a way of connecting with people. Have those mindful moments. We’re all so chaotic and busy, especially if working, with so many demands on us – give yourself the gift of a few minutes when you stop, think and just be. It’s so important that you make yourself do it and give yourself that space every day.
Giving (13:54)
G is around giving. Giving to others and being given to are just as important. It doesn’t have to be a physical gift – just giving a smile and a cheery ‘morning’ to someone, or paying a compliment at work, are also a form of giving.
Practising the five ways every day (16:48)
Doing these five things every day is really important and can really enhance your life and your positive wellbeing. They will help you enjoy today and every day. So many of them work together – for example, by taking notice of your colleagues, you might see one of them is struggling and give your time so that you can take some work off them.

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The Charlie Waller Trust
The Charlie Waller Trust is a registered charity in England and Wales 1109984. A company limited by guarantee. Registered company in England and Wales 5447902. Registered address: The Charlie Waller Trust, First Floor, 23 Kingfisher Court, Newbury, Berkshire, RG14 5SJ.
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