Our impact in schools

We delivered 729 sessions to 43,197 teachers, parents and pupils in 2019.
Our talks, training and resources increase the awareness, confidence and skills of frontline staff such as teachers who are in a strong position to support young people experiencing mental health difficulties.

I can’t say thank you enough for today. It was a fantastic day for the whole school to receive such amazing training and awareness of mental health and wellbeing. I really do appreciate the work that you do. I’m sure we’ll stay in touch and hopefully develop and implement wellbeing in school even more.
You are a stunning trainer. We are so happy with how well our staff are being prepared to discuss their own mental health and to help others with theirs.

Our mental health Book Club for schools and other youth settings is an effective way for teachers, carers and other staff to support children who might be struggling with their emotional and mental health. In 2019 we sent two new books to over 3,500 teachers and support staff.
We regularly access the Charlie Waller website and are a member of the fabulous Book Club and find the wealth of knowledge provided here and via the trainers enhances the work we are able to do and builds on and further develops our skills.
Our Wellbeing Challenge for schools ran for a second year in 2019, with 42 schools and youth organisations taking part. The 10 winning schools each received a library of wellbeing books.

We ran the Wellbeing Challenge as part of a targeted girls group and it gave us a brilliant theme to focus on each week and have better conversations about wellbeing and get stuck into trying different activities.
Our Young Advisors Group continues to provide the young person’s perspective on our work. They meet quarterly and are involved in reviewing our resources, developing new ones, such as the 'Top 10 Tips for Improving School Mental Health', and presenting at conferences and events. For example they participated in a conference on young people’s mental health in 2019 run by the Royal Society of Medicine.
Mental health training in schools
We work with teachers and other school staff to enhance their confidence and skills in promoting positive mental health
Find out about our training in schoolsFree Book Club for schools
We provide free books on mental health and wellbeing to school staff once a term
Read about our wellbeing Book Club
The Charlie Waller Trust
The Charlie Waller Trust is a registered charity in England and Wales 1109984. A company limited by guarantee. Registered company in England and Wales 5447902. Registered address: The Charlie Waller Trust, First Floor, 23 Kingfisher Court, Newbury, Berkshire, RG14 5SJ.
Copyright © 2025 The Charlie Waller Trust. All rights reserved.