Videos for personal tutors

In partnership with the University of Edinburgh, we have created a series of animations to help academics support students’ mental health.
The four short videos – each under a minute long – offer practical pointers on how personal tutors and other academics can make a positive difference to students’ mental wellbeing. They feature tips on keeping calm when talking to a student who is struggling, being prepared with simple and useful responses, and taking care of your own wellbeing whilst supporting students. They can be used either by individual members of staff, or as part of a training session.
We were able to produce the videos thanks to a generous donation from the family of a former Edinburgh student who tragically took his own life some time after leaving the university.
The family very much wanted to help academics feel more confident in providing pastoral support to their students and for this to be a lasting, practical tribute in the wake of their loss.
As with all our mental health resources, the animations are free to use. However, in order to continue our work we rely on donations from individuals and from organisations who feel they are able to contribute.
So, if your university or college finds the videos helpful, we would be very grateful if you could consider making a donation to the Trust.
How your donation will help:
£1,500 pays for six months’ development of Students Against Depression website content
£500 pays for a day’s training in a university, college or school
£300 pays for 120 resource packs for parents and carers, giving guidance on supporting a young person with mental health issues
As the videos grew out of Charlie Waller’s partnership with the University of Edinburgh, they carry Edinburgh’s crest and online details. If you wish to adapt these to your own institution, please contact us.
We partner with universities on student wellbeing
We use a whole organisation approach in our partnerships with colleges and universities
Explore partnershipsPractical advice for educators
Information about mental health for college and university staff
Read about mental health
The Charlie Waller Trust
The Charlie Waller Trust is a registered charity in England and Wales 1109984. A company limited by guarantee. Registered company in England and Wales 5447902. Registered address: The Charlie Waller Trust, First Floor, 23 Kingfisher Court, Newbury, Berkshire, RG14 5SJ.
Copyright © 2025 The Charlie Waller Trust. All rights reserved.