In our own words

In our own words
This is a package of resources for parents, carers, teachers, and others who want to support the mental health of children and young people. It is the result of a collaboration between the Charlie Waller Trust, The Charlie Watkins Foundation, and Boys In Mind.
It comprises:
- Two video scenarios of adults interacting with young people. They show common responses to distress which don’t go so well, followed by ‘better’ responses.
- A set of videos of children and young people describing what they find helpful from adults when they’re feeling sad, angry, or frightened; how they know when adults are listening to them; and how adults can encourage children and young people to talk to them.
- A written guide to accompany the videos.
Trigger warning: the written guide and one of the video scenarios include content related to supporting a young person experiencing thoughts of suicide.
Video scenarios
Josie is struggling with difficult feelings. This video shows two responses an adult might have, one which goes better than the other.
Raman reaches out to his father for help. This video shows two responses from his father – the second goes better than the first.
These two videos were produced by Haleem Clift and Jesse Roth from Rexton Films.

Videos of primary school children talking about:
- How they can tell if an adult is listening to them
- What adults can do to help them when they feel sad
- How adults can help them when they feel angry
- What one thing adults can do to help when they feel unhappy
- How adults can help them when they feel frightened or worried
- What adults can to do encourage them to talk about their problems

Videos of secondary school children talking about:
- How adults can best help when they are feeling sad
- What adults can do to help when they feel angry
- How adults can encourage them to talk if they feel unhappy and need support
- How they know when adults are listening to them
- What one thing adults can do to help when they feel unhappy
- How adults can help when they feel worried or frightened
- What adults can do to support them in the challenges of growing up
Supporting the mental health of children and young people
A guide to using the videos
The guide aims to help you get the most from the videos. It is divided into three main sections: an introduction, a set of practical strategies, and some pages of helpful information.
We hope you find it useful.
The guide was written by Charlie Waller Mental Health Trainer, Sarah Ashworth.

The Charlie Waller Trust
The Charlie Waller Trust is a registered charity in England and Wales 1109984. A company limited by guarantee. Registered company in England and Wales 5447902. Registered address: The Charlie Waller Trust, First Floor, 23 Kingfisher Court, Newbury, Berkshire, RG14 5SJ.
Copyright © 2025 The Charlie Waller Trust. All rights reserved.