Support for people bereaved by suicide

White curve

When someone takes their own life, relatives and friends can be left feeling grief-stricken, shocked, guilty and a range of other emotions that can be difficult to talk about. 

There is advice and help to support you through the trauma of a death by suicide:


Help is at Hand
This is a free resource by Public Health England and the National Suicide Prevention Alliance designed for people bereaved by suicide and other sudden, traumatic death.

Finding the Words
This guide is for those supporting someone bereaved by suicide, aiming to help readers feel more comfortable about reaching out to someone bereaved by suicide.

Notifying Agencies/Organisations When Someone Has Died
Suicide Bereavement UK created this document which includes a list of organisations that bereaved families need or may want to contact when someone has died.

Building Suicide Safer Schools and Colleges
This guide from youth suicide prevention charity Papyrus contains a section on 'postvention' - responding to a young suicide.


Cruse Bereavement Care
Cruse Bereavement Care provides counselling and support. They also have a helpline for young people.

Grief Encounter

Grief Encounter supports children and young people through the pain of losing someone. They offer free, immediate, one-to-one support.

The Samaritans
As well as providing a general helpline, the Samaritans have groups in some areas for people who have been bereaved by suicide. You can contact them by phone, email or post.

Survivors of Bereavement by Suicide 'SOBS'
Survivors of Bereavement by Suicide provides emotional and practical support to those bereaved by the suicide of a close relative or friend. There is a national helpline as well as local groups across the country.

Support After Suicide Partnership
On this website you can explore practical information and find emotional support if you have been impacted by suicide.

Help is at Hand front cover

Help is at Hand front cover

Finding the words front cover

Finding the words front cover

Helplines and crisis contacts

We signpost to helplines and support organisations

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Treatment for mental health problems

Various types of support are available if you're struggling with your mental health

Read about help for mental health
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