Walk for Wellbeing? Just do it!

July 17 2024

White curve
Taking part in our Walk for Wellbeing can boost your mental health whilst raising money for a vital cause. Agnese tells her story.

Agnese Merlo was one of the dedicated trekkers who took part in the Trust’s Walk for Wellbeing through London last year, taking in all 10 royal parks.

Agnese works for dunnhumby, a data services company currently in the second year of its corporate partnership with the Trust. 

She was inspired to take part in the Walk for Wellbeing (and also the Bath Half Marathon) by the company’s charity contact, Amy.

“I do lots of running and aim to run a marathon,” Agnese said, “but it made sense to attempt the distance walking first. It looked as though it would be a nice day out with likeminded people who share a common interest.”

Amy gave a talk and really brought to life how common mental health problems are.

She also knew she’d be helping to raise funds for a very worthwhile cause. “Amy gave a talk and really brought to life how common mental health problems are. I could see those of my colleagues with children asking lots of questions.

“It’s so important to get support at a young age and it’s great to know that there are people out there trying to help. Everyone needs support, so it’s important to help raise funds for the Trust. Any amount can make a difference – it's like a chain reaction. You start small but can achieve big things when everyone comes together.”

Agnese knows what a difference exercise makes to her own mental health. “I feel it immediately,” she said. “It doesn’t have to be a run – a walk is just as good to be my happy self. It puts me in a good mood and helps me be in my own thoughts.

“There were so many highlights on the Walk for Wellbeing,” she continued. “It was great walking with so many other people, different age groups, it just proves anyone can take part.”

“The best part was the spirit among the group – everyone was so positive. We were still supporting each other even when things got a bit tough.”

Agnese enjoyed last year's Walk for Wellbeing so much that she plans to do it again and has signed up this year's event. Taking place on 12 October, it covers 21.2km of the South Downs way.

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Headshots of three people smiling on Walk for Wellbeing 2023

Agnese (centre) with Helen Franks (left) from CWT and dunnhumby colleague Ayesha Maymon


Agnese’s advice to others considering whether to take part: “It probably won’t be what you expect it to be. It’s a challenge but you have loads of support and when you achieve it, it’s so rewarding. Just do it!”

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